Monday, April 27, 2009

Thanks to Everyone for a Wonder Service and Tribute

The grave-side service for Dad was amazing! Everything worked out and was a relief for Mom to have everything go smoothly. It was hot and windy up on the hill at Peru. Dad was one of the windiest guys you would ever meet so that was appropriate!

All of us have estimated that there must have been somewhere around 200 people there. Mom couldn't remember having seen that many people up there before. We were shocked to see cars lining the road up the hill with cars having to park almost down to the highway.

Cinda Osburn did an incredible job officiating the services which happened to be her first one since being ordained just last week. She and dad always had a special relationship. Cinda did a very good job keeping it together even with Gail and Peggy sitting in front... lol.

After the opening prayer, Lana and Monnie sang Amazing Grace which set the tone for the rest of the services with excellent harmony. Lonnie read the eulogy following, which was the copy that was used for the obituary.

The songs played for reflection during the service where picked by Landon (He Walked on Water), Eric (Daddy's Hands) and Mom,Gail and Peggy (Go Rest High on the Mountain). All moving and very descriptive of how all of us though of Dad.

Prior to the closing prayer, Cinda opened it up for people to say something about Dad which she started off by sharing how Dad attempted to teach her how to water-ski one summer on Hula lake. Nathan followed by sharing how Dad made sure Nathan new he was watching out for him while playing basketball and no one would lay a hand on him. Then Walter Darnell pretty much summed things up by saying "It's shows what kind of a man Bud was by the number of people that have come here to pay their respects, Bud was a great man.)

Immediately following there was a meal provided for family and friends at the Peru Senior Citizens center. Our thanks to the fantastic lady's that provided this for us! It was enjoyed by everyone and gave an opportunity to visit, reminisce and reflect in a very comfortable setting. Many donations will be sent to the Peru Alumni Scholarship and the Peru Senior Citizens funds in Dad's name.

Some of the attendees said to me that it was a perfect "Country" service, just like Bud would have wanted.

Mom is doing great and finally getting some well deserved rest. If you have a chance, please call, email or better yet, drop by for a visit with her! She'd love to see everyone. Most likely she'll be outside attending to her flowers, picking up sticks or raking leaves!

Thanks again for everyone's support, love and prayers!


  1. Well it was a great day and getting reacquainted with family and friends is always a good thing, so thank you Uncle Bud for bringing us together to celebrate your life. We will all miss you but through your wife and children and grandchildren we will always have a connection.
    Love to all,

  2. What a grand way of celebrating Uncle Bud's life. The wind blowing reminding us of how "windy" those Brewster kids get (including my Uncle's, Aunt, and family). I concur with my sister, reacquainting with family & friends was another memorable time. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all have a gathering without losing a friend or, family member? I truly enjoyed seeing my family & friends that's for sure. A special highlight was taking my husband, David to where Uncle Bud & Aunt Jane used to live in Sedan & drink a couple of beers for Uncle Bud. A hawk was flying overhead when we arrived in the drive way which to me, meant it was Uncle Bud saying Hi from up above. I'm silly like that but, it was a special moment for me. AND to top it off, I didn't even know there was a pond back behind the property. Dang, I could have been fishing!! It was a surreal day for me & I will dearly miss my Uncle Bud but, I know he is not suffering anymore. My love to each & everyone of you! Sprinkle, Sprinkle, Happy, Happy! Jeri Marie
