Friday, April 10, 2009


Hi Y'all,

Dad's had a few good days lately and seems to be recovering from the operation nicely. We've had a little concern over some blood work done since the surgery, but they'll keep monitoring it for changes. His fever seems to be under control now and has started to gain some weight! (yeah Dad)

His brace support for his right hand finally came in to help keep his hand and fingers open. So he now has both to help.

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Easter!



  1. Thanks for the great news! I am hoping to make another day trip to see Uncle Bud & Aunt Jane this coming week. I have several dr. appts. this week myself. You are doing great Uncle Bud AND...Aunt Jane, keep up the good work! Thank you again, Tony for posting info of my extended family!! Hugs to all, Jeri Marie

  2. Good news is wonderful. Here's to no more fever and that the brace is not too terribly uncomfortable. Thanks for keeping us all informed of progress. Shelley
