Thursday, April 2, 2009

Big Day in Neodesha!

April 2, 2009

Dad is going in for his "Flap" Surgery! (finally)

This will help in healing of his bed sore. It is a major procedure and will be complete under anesthesia. It should take 2 hours or longer and is a critical step in his recovery process.

His nutrition levels have improved enough to allow the surgery. Dad's strength is pretty good, as Peggy said today..."Dad's grip is so strong I can't pull my fingers out of his hands"

I'll post an update after the operation.

Here at the hospital today is:

Mom, Gail, Peggy, (me, Tony), Jeri Marie Brewster (cousin) and Bobbie Brewster (Lonnies wife)


  1. Uncle Tony,
    This is the first time we've seen this and it's really great! Thanks for doing it. Also, Dad said that you gave Grandma a break - Awesome! We appreciate all that everyone is doing and we are really look'n forward to seeing y'all and lifting Grandpa's spirits. The Brew Crew in Germany is praying for Grandpa Bud. Ana has created her own prayer it goes kind of lke this -Dear Jesus help him(Grandpa Bud) to not have an ouwie TAKE that ouwie AWAY, Amen! We're pulling for you Grandpa and we love you!
    Nate, Jill, Ben, Ana, & Brook

  2. That prayer is great!!!!

    Grandpa Bud has heard is several times and loves it!!! Way to go Ana!

    We'll post an update as soon as he's out!

    Love, Unca Tony

  3. We over here in Missouri are praying for you Uncle Bud and Aunt Jane and all your kids and their kids and their kids kids..... Okay, enough. Glad to hear the surgery was a success and you are back in your room. Don't know when we can make it that way, but hopefully soon. School is a giant test session and I get to administer several in the computer lab. Better scoot, as 1st grade is getting restless. Love, Shelley
