Friday, April 3, 2009

The Warden has Returned....

It's just before 4pm and I just got mom back to the hospital here...

I'm headed back to Arkansas and am handing the keys over to mom! Hopefully she can continue to crank him til he turns over and starts hitting on all cylinders!!!

One of the nice "as-pects" of the procedure is dad get to rest on his left side and back now (not just his sides).

He's still running a bit of a fever today but the Tylenol should take care of it with the anti-biotics. He's looking really good today (finally after 80 years). He's said some words to me today and continues to show off his baby blues to the nurses (eyes... that is).

Bye for now and we'll keep everyone updated, keep the prayers coming for both mom and dad! (oh yeah, and especially the staff here)

Love, Tony

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