Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Brand New Day and Chapter in all our Lives

Yes, today is the start of a brand new day for all of us... especially Mom. There's no manual for how do get through this and I have no doubt she is going to do an incredible job of handling things! We're all so proud of you Mom! Heck if she can raise us five kids and put up with all of our awkward stages ( I'm pretty sure I'm about to get over mine, ya right) then she can endure ANYTHING!

Most importantly a new day for Dad!!! I can see him now... makin' plans on all the lakes he's gonna be on and it's always like glass! (No white-caps Gail!) He won't have to spend hours teaching anyone who to get up on skis... they all know how!!! And as much fried chicken and potato salad as you can eat! I'll bet he's already asked Grandma Teehee for some of her famous chocolate cake! ( I know I will when I get there)

Bottom line is: He's in a much better place now and we can all take comfort that he's resting in the arms of the Lord and making plans of the rest of his eternal life!

As it stands now... the services will be this Friday the 24th in Sedan, KS. I'll know more this afternoon and will post an update as quickly as possible.


  1. Definitely, a new day & journey in life. Heartache & sadness is part of our journey but, as Grandma Brewster would tell us... "This too shall pass". Mom would often address this quote to us. Cyber hugs, Jeri Marie
