Friday, April 3, 2009

Brand New Day

Dad had a great night last night for just having gone through his "FLAP" surgery. Plenty of coughing (which is good) and plenty of rest. His dressing this morning looked great (just two small spots of red) and the area is draining correctly. Since the incision was much smaller than originally though, dad should be able to recover more quickly and be ready for swim-suit season ;-)...

Ran a slight fever and they've addressed that already. He'll need to be put on some pain management today as he will become VERY sore on his South 40! He has orders for morphine.

After today, Mom will be staying up here at the hospital for most of the month of April. She won't have much access to email, so if you need to talk to her please call her cell number.

Here is a link to the hospital dad is at. Several people have asked where he is and what it's like. Wilson Medical Center is in Neodesha, KS. As you'll see it's a brand new hospital with private rooms, which allows mom to be able to stay in the room with dad. They specialize in wound-care therapy which is the reason dad was transferred here from Bartlesville.

Please post comments or entries if you can or questions...

Thanks, Tony

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear the positive progress continuing with Uncle Bud. I hope you are getting some rest as I hope Aunt Jane too. The computer sites are such amazement and, those who can actually work within the computer world is even more astonishing. Thank you so much for providing friends and family such a great tool in helping us be a part of the life and times of our Brewster clan!! Love you all! Sprinkle, Sprinkle, Happy, Happy!! Jeri Marie
