Friday, November 2, 2012

TAU - Thinking About You DAD

Well a lot has changed since Dad's passing. There's not a day goes by that I don't look at his picture and wonder what he's up to. Who he's giving a hard time to (if he likes them) and who is worried about him not giving them a hard time to because he really doesn't care to be around them. No matter what, I'm sure he's either playing in a game or watching over one being played by his many great grandchildren. I'm sure he's already "fixed" many peoples broken equipment or given them advice on how to. I sure as heck know, I've caught myself many many times being in a pinch needing to figure out how to "rig" something up or fix something and asking him for help! "Okay Dad, help me out here! Just give me a hint, I know you're watching and saying.. DON'T THINK! DO!!! But somehow you get the message through to me and all of a sudden I get the job done. (wonder where I learned how to do that???? ;-) Halloween just passed and the real holidays are staring us right in the face. Dad wasn't much for Halloween, but Thanksgiving and Christmas was a different story. Eating and getting to play with the grand kids and great grand kids where his treasured times! I know he loves seeing them grow up and change from above. I don't really know why I decided to update this... I was searching for Peggy's address to ship something for Mom. I'm glad I did, because when I did, one of the hits was Dad's blog. I'm so glad I decided to put this up! It's a great place to come to see our family together for one last time. To be reminded of a funny weird wild hardworking family that knew how to work and play hard! Speaking of working hard. Think I'd better get back to it! Cause as someone that I knew once said... "You're burnin' daylight!" Love ya Dad! Tony